
The Cheat Code

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The Cheat Code

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Why do 99% of Forex traders fail so miserably?

Is it because of their strategy?

Is it because they don't have a trading plan?

Or is it because they're just unlucky?

The truth is...

It's none of those reasons.

And let me tell you something, my friend...

No amount of luck, strategies, or trading courses will EVER stop you from failing...

Until you know the REAL REASON that the 99% fail.

And I can guarantee you it's completely different from what you think it is.

The REAL REASON that 99% of traders fail...

is the same reason that the loser can't bag the hottest girl in school that he wants so bad.

It's the same reason that the overweight person that wants to lose weight so bad...

can't seem to lose it.

It's the same reason you really really wanted that job/interview/promotion...

and you didn't get it.

And it's the same reason that you've been trying so hard to trade profitably, probably for YEARS now, wanting the money and the Lambos and the yacht parties and the mansions and the PURE FREEDOM to do whatever you want more than anything else in the world.

You've gone through so many different strategies, YouTube videos, and courses in search for the missing piece that will finally bring the big bucks into your life.

But nothing seems to work.

You'll make some profits one day and give it all back to the market the next day.

It's an endless cycle of loading up your account, making some small profits, and blowing it.


And over.


I feel you, my friend.

It sucks.

Especially when you feel like you've finally got it all figured out just for the markets to prove you wrong.

You've probably gone through some pretty serious depression trying to make this shit work for you.

You probably gave up on trading multiple times, but always end up coming back to it.

If I'm describing you right now, I want you to take a deep breath.

And relax.

Because the Cheat Code will get rid of ALL of these issues for you.

The stress, the depression, the not knowing what to do next,

The cycle of blowing accounts, 

and the endless "hustling" and "grinding" and "chasing the bag" that you've been doing this whole time with no real results.

The Cheat Code is what you've been missing on your trading journey.

If you do what I say, you will be very successful.

I guarantee it.

So IF YOU TRULY CARE about changing your life and making all the dreams that have been running away from you come true...

Please LISTEN UP and read every word carefully.

There's 4 stages that ALL traders go through:

Stage 1 - Awareness.

This was when you found out about trading for the first time. It was probably by accident. But the second you heard about it, it got you hooked.

Stage 2 - Hype.

This was when you heard about all the gurus making millions of dollars trading from their laptops, and you thought to yourself:

"Hey, I can do this too!"

You got really hyped up, started looking at lambos on car dealership websites and planning your big purchases because you found out THERE'S A WAY to make all the shit you want yours and get super rich.

Stage 3 - Trying.

This is the stage when you've learned the basics and started trying to trade. Sure, you messed up a lot, but you didn't really care because you knew you were just starting out, and you kept learning new things every day.

You made some small profits in this stage and knew it was possible to make those massive dreams of yours come true if you could just make those profits bigger.

Stage 4 - Lost Hope & Depression.

This is when you've learned a ton about trading, have a couple years of experience under your belt, and have tried pretty much everything.

And nothing seems to work.

The market seems to be rigged against you and shit just stops making sense.

Most people go through some serious depression & emotional pain during this stage.

At this point, most people either give up...

Or keep repeating Stage 4 until they decide to give up for good.

This is the stage you're probably at right now.

I was in this stage for 3 miserable years.

I gave my blood, sweat, and tears to trading and made this shit my life.

I wanted the money and the cars and the freedom so bad.

More than anything.

And believe me when I tell you...

I tried my f*cking best and nothing was working.

I had $11 bucks to my name.

I gave up and came back multiple times...

But this time I was about to call it quits for good.

And an email I read at 3:00 AM that night completely changed my life. 

(No bullshit, I know this sounds like some sleazy marketing tactic ;)

It was from some random newsletter that I never opened, but this one was called Why Your Dreams Don't Come True...

And I skimmed through it and noticed something that I'll never forget.

A sentence that said:

"The more you want something and try your best to get it, the harder the universe will push it away from you and make sure you never get it."

Now I never believed any kind of "spiritual" type shit in my life...

I always tried to be "realistic" and never thought that stuff like this was true...

But it spoke to me in the moment so I looked into it.

And my life completely changed forever because of that one sentence.

Over the past 4 years, I've gone from blowing over 90 ACCOUNTS...

Being broke, depressed, and miserable...

And thinking that I really don't know shit about trading after doing it for 3 years...

To making over a million dollars just from trading, building a 7 figure stock & crypto portfolio, traveling the world, experiencing insane adventures, and retiring my mom before I turned 19.

No, it wasn't some secret "FoReX GuRu StRaTeGy" or some bullshit "indicator" that made all this shit real.

It was the Cheat Code.

It's a 7-Step System that I use to turn any of my wildest dreams into reality.

It does.

I'm living proof.

It's the only reason I went from extremely broke & depressed...

...to a $2 million dollar net worth and complete peace and happiness, within the first year I used it.

The Cheat Code gives me whatever I want.

Whenever I want something, I do not make "plans" and set "goals" to get it.

I don't "hustle" and I don't "grind".

I sure as f*ck don't chase the dream.

I just follow the 7 Steps and I get what I want.




No matter how big the thing I want is.

I always get it. And fast.

Believe it or not, the world around you is completely controlled by your mind...

You can do absolutely anything you want, and be absolutely anyone you want...

But society has taken away this power from you.

Society has programmed you to think of yourself as NOTHING until you're rich and successful.

Society has programmed you to never stop chasing your dreams, to keep running on that f*cking hamster wheel for the rest of your life.

But the harsh reality is this:

If you're OBSESSED with your dreams and CHASE them, you will NEVER get them.

Don't believe me?

Remember that girl you used to simp so hard for in high school? 

The one that was perfect in your eyes?

The one you wanted to be with more than anything in the world?

Did you get with her?


And it's the same exact shit with trading.

You've probably been grinding your ass off chasing your dream for years, obsessed with getting the big bucks.

I don't blame you. I was in the same exact situation.

And you will never, ever, ever get your dream if you keep chasing it.

What you want really bad will ALWAYS run away from you.

By TAKING BACK the powers you were born with.

By RE-PROGRAMMING your mind...

to be able to create ANYTHING you want.

By CONTROLLING the reality around you...

and making dreams come to YOU...

instead of chasing your dreams on the f*cking hamster wheel for years and years.

Once you do this, trading becomes so simple and stress-free that it's almost unbelievable.

(I'm not bullshitting you. I failed for 3 miserable years straight and within 2 months of me finding out how to do this I was in a completely different situation both mentally and financially.)

Put your view of the "real world" to the side for a moment.


Everything I'm talking about probably sounds f*cking crazy to you.

And that's not your fault.

Society programs people to be "realists" and keep their dreams "realistic" because they would rather you be a sheep following the herd than the lion leading the pack.

But that's all BULLSHIT.

You can do absolutely anything you want to do my friend, and you can be absolutely anyone you want to be.

You can control the reality around you and create all of your wildest dreams.

The best part is that you can do all this shit with ZERO stress & depression.

Oh yeah it's possible.

It's just that 99.999% of people have no idea you can actually do this shit.

But the exact same thing has been done by Kanye West, Floyd Mayweather, Steve Jobs, Conor McGregor, Will Smith, and many other extremely successful people who made a huge impact on the world.

And of course by me.

I don't chase my dreams.

I don't hustle and I don't grind.

When I want something, no matter how big the goal is, I just follow the 7 Steps of the Cheat Code.

And I get what I want EVERY SINGLE TIME.

With ease.

Alright enough talk. How do YOU actually do this?

Well my friend, you have 3 options at this point:

Option 1:

Spend MONTHS/YEARS researching this topic by yourself (like I did) until you find some real info that isn't total bullshit. 

99% of information online about controlling your reality/controlling shit around you and making it come to you is total bullshit & just isn't true.

(AKA lazy motherfuckers who say "I want a million dollars" a buncha times in the mirror and expect it to just pop up in front of them without actually doing shit to get it..)

Option 2: 

Leave this page right now and ignore everything I said. 

Go back to "chasing the bag" and "grinding" and stay in the cycle of chasing your dreams for years to come.

Fight through the stress, uncertainty, and depression by yourself, and take the path of 99% of failing traders. 

I mean yeah, if somehow you get super lucky, this option might work for like, 4 people reading this. 

But in almost all cases, this option just ends up with mediocre/no success and instead just a shit ton of emotional pain and failure.


Option 3: 

Steal the exact 7-Step Strategy that I use to make ANY of my dreams come to me effortlessly without ever chasing them.

The same system that ended my trading failure.

The same system that changed my life in 2 months and brought me out of poverty.

The same system that lets me create any of my wildest dreams.

The system that brought me total freedom and made me COMPLETELY UNSTOPPABLE.

The Cheat Code.

I've done the dirty work for you.

I've spent 3 years putting together bits and pieces of the Cheat Code, and you can steal the whole thing from me today.

All YOU have to do is follow the 7 Steps.

Here's what you're about to get:

📕 The Cheat Code: (eBook). 

You'll learn how to use your mind as an unstoppable weapon that literally creates ANY of your desires at will.

You'll learn how to NEVER feel depression/stress/emotional pain ever again, and live life with complete ease and happiness at all times.


you'll leave the cycle of trading failure FOREVER.


This soundtrack reprograms your mind and turns you into an unstoppable force that can accomplish ANYTHING easily.

Every time you listen to it, it will destroy every bit of self doubt, stress, and worry in your head...

And pump you full of the power and energy you need to create your dreams.


My personal high winrate trading strategy.

I'll show you the shit you need to know in only 7 minutes.

F*ck the people who overcomplicate trading. 

This strategy wins 65%-70% of the time and is really simple. No indicators, no bullshit.

Pure price action.

Once you've read the Cheat Code...

You will never chase the dream of being a rich trader again.

You won't have to grind and hustle and fail trying to get your dream.

You will simply relax and follow the 7 Steps.

And the world around you will re-configure itself to give you the dream.


And quickly.

No hard work or hustle needed.

No matter HOW BIG the dream/goal is.

You will never have to stress about getting money/achieving your dreams ever again.

Just ask the 200+ traders that have already used the Cheat Code to end the cycle of trading failure:


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